How to find tailor-made top executives at excellent terms
As the personality is crucial for continued success
Finally, an affordable headhunter using psychology skills
Today, there is HR- & Career Speedboat®️
Daniela Neidhardt
Headhunting? A thing of the past
Do you know this challenge?
You are a small or medium-sized company, with an able HR representative for your HR programs. Hiring Leaders is not a regular need, but rather an exception.
You have little time and money for assessment centers. You realize this ist not something that can be done part-time. You know that wrong choices cost you a lot of money, as do long vacancies. This is where my HR-Speedboat®️ as a servcie comes in.
You can focus on your core business.
We relieve you of the burdens of maintaining a quality personnel preselection process for leaders.
Your current situation in the company
Massive war of talents
Your recruiter lacks the requisite skills for hiring executivesn
Wrong choices and vacancies cost you money
Quality personnel selection is expensive and time-consuming
Your company lacks a large marketing and HR budget to engage expensive headhunter / recruitment consultants
Applicant tracking systems can`t find leaders
The solution - my HR Speedboat®️ method
Top candidates, handpicked, pre-qualified and assessed using psychological skills, also in terms of their personality Direct support for management, HR, recruiter and relevant departments
Differential diagnosis, as well as crystal-clear definition of your ideal candidate in various categories
Direct, anonymous approach of candidates through executive research
Presentation of tailor-made candidates plus their onboarding in the company
Advantages of my HR Speedboat®️ method
Fixed prices without excessive headhunter costs Higher quality in personnel pre-selection
Successful candidates with personality
Secured competitive advantages
Recuced costs and time savings
Competitive edge in the war of talents
HR Speedboat®️ Innovative Personnel Consulting
My HR Speedboat®️ method discreetly and directly delivers top candidates with excellent skills, handpicked, pre-qualified and assessed using my psychological skills. As the professional personality is often crucial for continued success. For seven years, innovative SMEs have used this competitivive advantage and edge in the DACH region.
Comment by Dr. Ingo Reichardt on social media: "If you really need hand-picked new employees, the ones you really need and not the ones the reruiter has to get rid of, Daniela Neidhardt is the right person for you."
HR Speedboat®️, because personality generates profit
It does exist. The success personality.
I am truly conviced of that. Success depends on the personality. Success is part of the personality.
This is my working hypothesis
as HR and Career Speedboat®️.
Success is part of the personality. Personal development equals success development.
Recruiting personnel always means recruiting a personality.
This is how you will find tailor-made personalities.
Only successful candidates make companies successful. This is how you will find successful personalities.
HR Speedboat ®️ means finding tailor-made candidates using psychology skills
Increase your corporate success finding top candidates. Expertise, qualification, leadership qualities firmly anchored in the candidate`s personality.
Personalities with these qualities can make a noticeable difference in your company.
You will attract the best candidates directly
They are willing to change jobs
They fit perfectly to your corporate culture
sustainable staffing
Shorten your time-to-hire / streamline your recruiting process
Save time and money
Avoid costs throug wrong choices
Eliminate excessive headhunter costs
Increase the quality of your personnel selection using psychological skills
discreetly, through an executive search with an individual approach
Competitive edge using my HR- & Career-Speedboat®️ method
Never again ...
Vacancy costs
Wrong choices
Expensive headhunters
Recruiting manpower without quality output Wasting money on ads, funnels and job portals
Expensive advertising costs
Bad employer image due to mass recruiting at leader level
But instead ...
A competitive edge in the war of talents High-quality recruiting on demand
Reduced recruiting costs
Strong cost-effective Quick Support of your recruiting department
Interviews only with top candidates
Why customers work with me
I constantly stive to provide optimal service
HR- & Career Speedboat ®️ Daniela Neidhardt
8 building blocks of success for advantages, quality, profit, benefit, added value, results
Successful in the DACH region for 8 years
My HR and Career Speedboat®️ method has been field-proven and is not just an experiment anymore. Our skillful combination of HRM, personnel placement, personal consulting and psychological skills guarantees your success. Relevant references from enthusiastic companies and candidates.
Needs-oriented with performance for the perfect match
By precisely collecting your requirements as well as those of your ideal candidate and drem jobs, we work on your reslult / performance. Focusing on high quality, promptness and, above all, on high accuracy to fit for your perfect match.
Focusing on ideal matches instead of randomly searching for dancidates I Tailor-made
Direct approach through executive search of iedal candidates with latest digital tools, directly, personally and discreetly, at a high level. No fully automated anonymous mass aproach according to the book.
Personality Check
The focus is on the candidate`s professional personality with his/her leadership qualities. Qualfication, expertise, industry knowledge and industry skills are a prerequisite for us. After all, it is the personality that creates tangible success and generates proft. Qualified networks add to this.
Holistic quality personnel pre-selection using our psychological skills
Holistic quality personnel pre-selection using our psychological skills because personality makes a tangible difference. With managment diagnostic tools, assessment centers and personality assessments, which are valid and highly significan for th suitability and for the profit of your position.
Subject- & industry-specific
My team and I do not cover all industries, but only those that we are familiar with and can serve. Our industry focus: Automotive, manufacture, wholesales, energy, pharmaceuticals, partially IT. Excludes are: MLM, financial sercies. We also implement specific solutions via network partners.
Fixed prices I Cost savings
Fair transparent price-performance ratio provided in a package including fixed prices and repalcement guarantee. Customized solutions. For companies and candidates. S-M-XL packages.
Hybrind communication: Digital & analog I In constant dialogue
Great savings thanks to digital speed. Working independently in the DACH region. You have a dedicated contakt person. 24/7. Interactive. Through your preferred means of communication. We are where you are! Permanent servcie and evaluation to achieve your goals.
HR Speedboat®️ method
Tailor-made candidates at leader level are like a credit balance for your business account
3 efficient HR Speedboat®️ Tickets
Finally finding tailor-made execuitves without paying astronomical prices!
We don`t screen Curriculum Vitae`s according to SEO, keywords, but according to professional personality. This makes the btangible difference in success. Everything else is a prerequisite for us!
Quick Support Ticket
7-day-flat rate price incl. implementation
Executive Search Basic
Tailer-made candidates included in fixed price
Executive Search Premium
Tailer-made candidates I C-Level I includes in fixed price
HR Speedboat®️ method
Get top candidates on board.
Directly, discretely, handpicked, pre-qualified and assessed with psychology skills.
Customer testimonials about your personnel consult, Daniela Neidhardt
Get your competitive edge now with my HR & Career-Speedboat®️ method
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Daniela Neidhart
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