The HR and Career Speedboat®️
Hey, I am Daniela Neidhardt
Companies want psuitable candidates.
Candidates want suitable jobs. I connect people in a tailor-made way.
With psychological skills and direct apporach.
For seven years, I have been doing this successfully in the DACH region.
I make companies and candidates - more - successful.
2 services
suitable for your individual needs
1. HR Speedboat®️
How to find tailor-made top executives at excellent terms
As the personality is crucial for continued success
Finally, an affordable headhunter
Innovative personnel consulting format for and on behalf of companies
2. Career Speedboat®️
How to find your suitable dream job
Finally, there is anefficient job change and career support for successful candidates
Job change and career support for candidates
Successful innovative personnel and career consultant in the DACH region for 7 years
Chief- & Executive Level
Finally, an affordable headhunter with psychological skills. My HR Speedboat®️ method delivers pre-qualified, hand-picked candidates. Tailor-made, also in terms of their professional personality that ensures success.
Effective job change & career support
Find your dream job with Career Speedboat®️ and a focused mindset: Finding your perfect job in a results-oriented and personal way! Inverse headhunting for candidates, who want to define their career market themselves.
Exclusive networks
Gain and create access to decision makers or executives willing to change with my HR and Speedboat®️ method via executive search - directly!
Time is money - save costs
Reduce excessive headhunter costs, maicmize your company`s profit, and don`t waste time on a job that does not suit you.
Customer testimonials about your personnel consultant, Daniela Neidhardt
Your competitive edge with my HR and Career Speedboat®️ method
Competitive advantage thorough perfect match
Competitive edge in the war of talents
Identifying needs at an early stage - perfect personnel match for candidates and companies
High - quality recruiting on demand
Reduction of recruiting costs
My customers save time, money and energy
Results with my Career Speedboat®️ method
Digital presence with stron pull
More suitable job offers
Highly sustomized search and networking strategy at decision-maker level
Access to exclusive networks
Interviews leading to contract offers
More pay and enhanced career
Tailor-made job for your personality
Passion for your job instead of feeling frustrated
Successful up to four-stage assessment centers
Successful management audits
Benefit from my HR and Career Speedboat®️ expertise
The reasons why I, as a personnel and career consultant, can make you - more - successful. My curriculum vitae in an nutshell is your gain and guarantee of quality.
Diploma in Psychology
Steep career in human resource
Personnel Consultant at chief and executive level
Human Resource Manager, i.e., Personnel Management >800 employees
State-certified Professional Human Resource Managment (German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, IHK), incl. Trainer`s License (AdA)
Profound sales competence, part-time development of a cuccessful direct sales structure - from scratch - with more than 55 sales partners in B2B and B2C and numerous end customers in the ACH region, remote and hybrid
Five-year participation in systematic supervision of productive and effektive personal placement
Get your competitive advantage with my HR & Career Speedboat®️ method